The Empty Cup

In the stillness of an empty cup,

Lies the promise of what may be—

A vessel waiting to be filled,

A canvas for infinity.


Choose now the substance to feed your soul—

With love, with light, with grace;

For every drop you welcome in

Will shape your time, your path, your place.  


We polish glass to catch the sun,

To gleam with purpose bright;

Yet shadows fall, and dust will cling,

As day slips softly into night.  


Fear not the stains that life may bring,

They speak of battles fought and won;

Through cycles of cleansing, we rise again,

Our spirit’s work is never done.  


Pour all you are with an open heart,

And find your freedom there;

In the boundless act of selfless love,

We soar beyond despair.  


Embrace the emptiness, a sacred gift—

A space where dreams take flight;

In choosing wisely, shining true,

We find ourselves in light.

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