Energy Update for September Lunar Eclipse

SEPTEMBER 17th/18th (check times for your area)

  • This is a partial lunar eclipse
  • It’s also a super full moon which means the Moon is closer to the Earth and therefore the effects will be felt stronger.
  • The Moon will appear with a reddish tinge.
  • It is in the water sign of Pisces.
  • The Moon is between Saturn and Neptune which highlights lessons we are learning.
  • Intense emotions will be felt and can last 3 days before and 3 days after the full moon.
  • Opportunity for deep healing.
  • Release, purge, and surrender to the universe.
  • Attempting to control what comes up for you will only lead to confusion, anxiety and feeling lost.
  • Placing faith in the bigger picture is what will guide us through what seems blurry and uncertain.

ARIES- 12th house
⁃ Releasing self sabotaging behaviours – eg. addictions, procrastination.
⁃ Healing limiting beliefs.
⁃ Healing issues in your subconscious that have been holding you back.
⁃ Personal fears may come to the surface for you to heal.
⁃ Internal spiritual shift.
⁃ Secrets or hidden information may be revealed.
⁃ Pay attention to your dreams as they may be significant too.

TAURUS – 11th house
⁃ Something big may come up in regards to your friendships.
⁃ May end a friendship that no longer serves you.
⁃ Set clear healthy boundaries.
⁃ Goals, dreams and desires may resurface to be worked on in some way.

GEMINI – 10th house
⁃ Big career changes or opportunities may arise.
⁃ Maybe you change employment.
⁃ Re-evaluating your career direction.
⁃ Any problems with authority of some kind with be resolved.
⁃ Finishing any projects connected to your career.

CANCER – 9th house
⁃ Powerful changes in your consciousness.
⁃ Your beliefs may change in some way.
⁃ Letting go of old beliefs.
⁃ Your perception to reality may shift.
⁃ Issues or a crisis could emerge around your father or father figures.
⁃ Completion of higher education.

LEO – 8th house
⁃ Psychological breakthroughs.
⁃ Trauma release.
⁃ Any emotions that come up for you is an opportunity to heal.
⁃ Releasing any internal pain or blockages that have been holding you back.
⁃ Death and rebirth of any kind.
⁃ Insurance, shared finances, and resources are also a theme for this house.
⁃ Powerful releasing of painful emotions.

VIRGO – 7th house
⁃ Big changes regarding your relationships of all kinds (friends, partners, work).
⁃ If you are unhappy in a relationship it is the time to release it.
⁃ It could also mean the ending of some issue or conflict in your relationship.
⁃ Releasing of any emotional burdens.

LIBRA – 6th house
⁃ Changes around your health may arise.
⁃ You may change your health routine or habits in some way.
⁃ Your daily routines in general may also change.
⁃ The way you are of service to others or the way you work with others may transform.

SCORPIO – 5th house
⁃ Powerful activation for your love life.
⁃ Meeting a fated partner or ending a relationship.
⁃ Relationships with your children in your life may shift or transform in some way.
⁃ You or someone close to you may get pregnant.
⁃ Completing a personal or business project.

SAGITTARIUS – 4th house
⁃ Changes around the home.
⁃ You may move or renovate your house.
⁃ Your mother or mother figure may become significant in some way.
⁃ Real estate or property is also highlighted at this time for you.
⁃ Events (positive or negative) regarding family may come up also.

CAPRICORN – 3rd house
⁃ Relationships with siblings or neighbours become significant for you at this time.
⁃ There could be something regarding transportation and/or vehicles that comes up.
⁃ Be careful of accidents when driving.
⁃ Communication of all sorts is significant.
⁃ Be aware of how you communicate with others.
⁃ Important news, documents, messages or papers may turn up.

AQUARIUS – 2nd house
⁃ Important things may arise around your money or finances.
⁃ Investment changes are highlighted.
⁃ Your personal values may change in some way.
⁃ The way you perceive beauty may change.
⁃ You may want to change the way you are with food and/or diet.

PISCES – 1st house
⁃ This is a big change on a personal level.
⁃ Emotions will arise for you to look at.
⁃ Self transformation on some level is likely.
⁃ Re-evaluate your life, re-examine your goals and make the changes you need to.
⁃ Personal healing is significant.
⁃ Let go of anything that is limiting you in any way.

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