Solar Eclipse in Libra

 SOLAR ECLIPSE in Libra – October 2nd/3rd (check times for your area)

– This is an annular eclipse. Because the Moon doesn’t fully block out the Sun, a glowing ‘ring of fire’ appears around its edges.


– It will be in Libra so the theme will be finding balance and harmony in relationships and partnerships.

– This eclipse asks us to delve into the hidden aspects of our psyche and confront any imbalances within our partnerships and relationships of all kinds.

– A powerful energy for self-reflection as it encourages us to let go of old patterns that are causing disharmony in your life. This will then create space for something new to come in.

– The most powerful solar eclipse for 11 years.


ARIES 7th house

– areas of relationships and partnerships.

– a new relationship or fresh start in current relationships is highlighted.

– partnerships may be important – business etc

– possible misunderstandings in relationships – friends, family, neighbours etc


TAURUS 6th house

– areas of work, co-workers, health, well being, daily habits and routine.

– be aware of your health and health practices.

– you may want to start a new diet or routine.

– new job opportunities.

– ask yourself, ‘how can I be of service to other people?’ – volunteer work etc.


GEMINI 5th house

– areas of creativity, romance, adventure and children.

– new romantic relationship.

– great time for initiating creative projects.

– plan an adventure or a fun activity.

– a positive time for children and/or getting pregnant.


CANCER 4th house

– areas of home and family.

– a change or transformation in regards to your home – moving house or renovating.

– the ‘mother’ energy is highlighted – issues or positive news or connection.

– your family becomes more important this time.


LEO 3rd house

– areas of communication, thinking processes, transportation and siblings.

– a great time for networking and communication of all forms.

– your thought processes may change – the way you communicate your thoughts.

– communication and interactions with siblings.


VIRGO 2nd house

– areas of finances, money and possessions, values.

– new ideas around money – budgeting, investing etc.

– you may receive or purchase a significant item – car, furniture etc.

– a positive time for all money related areas in your life.


LIBRA 1st house

– areas of self confidence, leadership and how you present yourself to others.

– you may have a renewed sense of confidence.

– the way you present yourself to the world may change –  makeover, new haircut etc.

– you may step into some sort of new leadership role.




SCORPIO 12th house

– areas of spirituality, psychic ability, magic, dreams and the unconscious.

– pay attention to your dreams at this time.

– you may begin a new form of spirituality – meditation, yoga etc.

– issues that have been in your subconscious may come up for you to heal.

– your psychic senses or intuition will be heightened during this period.


SAGITTARIUS 11th house

– areas of community, friendships, technology, hopes and wishes.

– friendships become significant or you may meet a significant or fated person.

– letting go of a friend that is constantly bringing your energy down or an old friend from the past coming back to sort out something.

– a good time to re-evaluate your goals.

– new projects, especially regarding your community.


CAPRICORN 10th house

– areas of career, authority, reputation and social status.

– your father or father figure may be important.

– could be a job change or a promotion.

– you may get recognition for something regarding your work.

– public reputation or status could change.


AQUARIUS 9th house

– areas of travel, education and belief systems.

– religion or philosophy is highlighted.

– a new understanding or realisation about your belief systems or spiritual path.

– you may plan or begin a holiday or travel somewhere.

– you may want to begin a course or some type of education or learn a new skill.


PISCES 8th house

– areas of shared resources, death, rebirth, transformation.

– pay attention to any finances shared with others, mortgage, loans, business deals etc.

– change and transformation, internally or externally.

– questions or beliefs around sexuality.

– endings and/or beginnings, death and/or rebirth.



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