Rife services with Brooke


Spooky2 is the rife system I work with, please feel free to acquaint yourself with this more in depth here.

In order to participate in this service, nail clippings shall be sent to:

Rocket Science Wellness, LLC (contact information and address will be sent after purchase)

The frequencies selected shall be ran via REMOTE MODE which works via quantum entanglement. Please trim your nails, place them in a small bag and send them in an envelope to the address provided.

The recommended first phase when beginning with rife frequencies is to calibrate with the 11 day terrain program.

Then after this initial phase there are many frequencies that can be worked with. Feel free to select from the list here.

After the initial 11 day calibration, feel free to choose what your specific goals are and this will be accommodated via a plan that will be emailed to you for your approval complete with pricing information.

If you would like to engage in an intuitive wellness session with Brooke, it is 22 minutes in duration and the results will be provided via email with specific rife frequency recommendations($88). 

If choosing to work with frequencies of your choosing, one can choose from specific ailments or utilize one of the established programs/protocols. 

Each frequency/protocol has a specific duration. 

Keep in mind the specific duration can be further personalized for each person’s unique energy at the specific time. 

For example, if someone wants to rid themselves of recurrent cold sores, we would run this for 14 days and then stop and further assess.

In some instances, the 14 days is sufficient, in others it may take several 14-day treatments with off cycles. This 2 week treatment would be $22.

It is also helpful to complete an additional 11 day terrain protocol after such treatments.

The pricing structure is as follows: 

$22 for the use of the remote (one time fee per person).

Initial 11 day terrain $44

After these initial fees, 

Individual selected frequencies are $11 per frequency per week (any treatment less than 7 days is considered a week).

The already defined protocols each have specific pricing, some examples are below.

Some clients may find they would like to use the terrain protocol indefinitely, this can also be accommodated and the pricing would be specific to your goal outcome (but will be less than the $11/week).

Here are some example protocols:

Meridian Clock frequencies will run for 2 weeks or indefinitely (as the subscriber chooses). $22 per 2 weeks

Daily Wellness frequencies are recommended for 30 days-6 weeks. ($66 for 6 weeks).

Vitamins & Minerals frequencies recommended 1 day on, 1 day off, 1 day on, 2 days off, 1 day on, three days off then reassess. ($33) 

Kundalini three cycles of 72 hours (6 hours active frequencies in each 24 hour period) then reassess.($33)

Spiritual Wellbeing Protocol $77 (the first 9 frequencies will be used initially at a rate of 1 frequency per day with a full night’s rest prior to proceeding to the next successive frequency for a total of 10 days

 (9 days of frequencies and rest followed by a buffer one full day of rest). This protocol requires integration which may take 21-90 days.

There are also several “spectrum sweeps” that remove environmental factors(such as mold, insects, and unknown pathogens).

When beginning any of the protocols (even the 11 day terrain), it is imperative to communicate with Brooke if any discomfort occurs and the regimen will be adjusted and further personalized.

It is also imperative to stay hydrated, ground regularly and spend time outside when the sun is available for 20 minutes per day during UV index 0.

Please read and acknowledge the Spooky2 Disclaimer

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Rife services with Brooke
$11.00$88.00 Select options